Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


i am a left handed person.
in my entire family, only me and my brother are left handed.
and when i said entire family, that include both grandparents, 12 uncles n aunts from both sides of the family, and 46 other cousins.
and my good friend in school also is a left handed,
and my good friend in matriks
and in uni.(they are all different persons of course)
i know what are u gonna say..
"what, does all the left handed people have magnet towards each other now?"
*cue eyerolls*


so, we all know about that theory of which part of the brain is active for right handed or left handed yada yada yada.
but here i am not talking about that, i want to talk about the effect of being left handed in living my life..hooo~cam dramatik je kan?*angkat2 kening*

nothing change...much...actually.
i have to look at the other side of the scissor when i cut papers.

my middle finger of the left hand have this tiny bump: effect of writing n pressing too much with the wooden pencil

i cant knit, like my mother because she cant teach me how to do it in reverse (since she's right handed)........or maybe i just not interested in knitting, i dont know.:)

its weird to hold a guitar because my hand would be itching to reverse the position so i would be comfortable strumming..(not that i good in guitar actually)

ohhh, there is this one thing i cant stand.

my mother used to tell me to cook with my right hand ie; to cut using knife with the right hand, to hold the spatula and flip the food with right hand...

and i'm back and cook with my left hand as soon as my mother's not looking
then one day, there's this kenduri held at my house,
and all the elders of the village came, and I sit, and talk, and cut vegetables with them
and they said, it is better for the left handed to cut with left hand. because the right hand is the one that will hold the vege. :)))))

see? there's still hope for us, left handed girls trying to cook..:')
and one more thing..
the left handed will NOT, i repeat will NOT die faster then the right handed
(i just knew it myself)
they make a mistake while doing the surveys, and take the statement back, but you know, people will remember the heartbreaking fact rather than its withdrawal..
so thats what i want to tell you guys, and there are a few fun fact here. and you can read more by clicking here and here..happy reading:)

do you know that:
1)Left-handers excel particularly in tennis, baseball, swimming and fencing
2)The number of words in English that are typed solely with the left hand is in the neighborhood of 3400. Around 450 words are typed solely with the right hand.
3)In the 1992 U.S. Presidential election, all three major candidates were left-handed. According to most resources, there have been six left-handed presidents: James Garfield, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton.
4)Stuttering and dyslexia occur more often in left-handers (particularly if they are forced to change their writing hand as a child, like King of England George VI).

okay fine, maybe not always, but im not always :)

how did you manage to do that woman??o_0

this is the left handed barber scissors, but works the same........right?

p/s:what up with the colours and font of the funfact man?i dont even know..=_=;;