Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

18 and above only :)

i'd love to see the hit counter by the end of the day..haha
its not like i have readers or anything...=_=

i'm not going to post any sexual related videos, or link, or sound clips..
no no no no.....not this time anyway o_0;

i was just idling around the house, looking at my brother watching the tv
when i suddenly wonder..what makes people rates the movies and dramas?
from the content i guess, and there are a lots of categories too.

there's G for (general) atau bahasa melayunya U (umum) yg semua org boleh tgk,
then in malaysia they skip from U terus kepada 18PA, SG, SX, n etc..
yg berunsur ganas, seram, sex, politik atau/dan agama yg tidak keterlaluan
for international level they have PG13 (parental guardian) kena diawasi oleh org dewasa,
NC 17(no childeren under 17) and R(rated, untuk org dewasa sahaja)
this is just from what i observed, and it differs from a country to another.
i'm not really sure about all this, so please correct me if i'm wrong.

salt: a PG rated movie for its bits of violence

mr. magorium's wonder emporium: rated as G, suitable for children

now, according to wiki,
age of 18 dipanggil sebagai age of majority..
ini bermakna, anda sudah tidak terikat lagi di bawah jagaan ibu bapa
dan boleh menbuat keputusan sendiri.
xpaham lagi?
kau dah boleh kawen la senang cite.

maybe for some people 18 is nothing..
being 18 maybe just means that
'i 've stop growing'
'wow, i'm a big girl now'

but it is important to know,
being 18 means, if you are arrested,
it will no longer classified under the kes juvana.
you're fully an adult, that can buy cigrattes, go to 18 rated movies,
berkahwin dgn kehendak sendiri, menandatangani kontrak,
meminum arak, dan memandu kenderaan..
(ini adalah hukum yg dibuat manusia, jgn pula kita lupa hukum yg ditetapkan oleh ALLAH)

hantu kak limah balik rumah: tontonan U

anda sendiri la rate yg nih..haha

berumur 18 thun ini
distereotypekan seperti seseorg itu sudah pon
mempunyai pertimbangan yg matang.
yg sudah tahu membezakan sesuatu yg baik dan yg buruk,
yg benar dan yg palsu, dan tahu bertindak sendiri.

sungguhpun, bukan semua org mampu berbuat demikian tatkala mencapai 18,
aku kira, yg umur ini dikira sebagai label yg membezakan anda sebagai org dewasa
dgn kanak2 dari segi fizikal.

so, enough about what i think heres a few facts about age of majority:

1) By age 18, the human brain stops growing. As a matter of fact, the human brain after age 18 begins to lose more than 1,000 brain cells each day. Do not fear: since the fully developed brain has over 100 billion cells, at the rate of losing 1,000 cells each day, it will take 300,000 years before your brain is out of cells.

2) At age of 18, you can buy cigrattes in new zealand; it is increased from 16 in 1997

3) William Shakespeare berkahwin dgn seorang wanita bernama Anne Hathaway yg berusia 26 tahun ketika dia berumur 18 thun.

4) Manusia berdedah kepada matahari 50% ke 80% dari pendedahan kepada matahari seumur hidup mereka sebelum usia 18 thun.

p/s; BM n BI dah bercampur gaul menjadi pecal..sorry..huhu