Rabu, 8 Jun 2011

talking to yourself?

have you ever talk to yourself before?
do you even realise if you're talking to yourself or its just the voice inside of your head.

hey, lets be honest yeah,
i think its normal when you talk to yourself.
but there is a fine line between nuts and normal.
at leat thats what i've read before.

so, when do you talk to yourself?
let me do my list.

1. when i'm talking to my parts of the body especially when i'm in pain.
2. when i suddenly remember something so embarassing,
i have to talk to my brain to shut that memory off.
(trust me, i have plenty of those)
3.when i have to cheer up myself about something
especially when there no one to depend on but myself
4.when i need the encouragement to do something, and theres no one around.
5.when i hope so much for something, and it didnt happen,
i have to talk myself down to never ever dreaming on the false hope
and keep going.

oookkay, thats quite a lot...

am i normal?

Ahad, 5 Jun 2011


something's wrong with me today

i feel stuffy
the air is too heavy...
with something..

this is not good. not good at all,
and why? why does every, every single time i'm in conversation
the topic will always always be the same??

yes people!
my love life died on me.

no, no your hope for me is still as dark as ever if not more. talk.about,it,anymore.

Jumaat, 20 Mei 2011

the mystery of a lost mother

di suatu petang yang mencuka ...

saya kehilangan ibu saya..
penat melilau mata..
namun xjugak saya jumpa.

lalu saya keluar bilik dan memanggil..
dibilik dianjung
pintu ke pintu dibuka
tapi dia tiada..

lalu saya ke pangkin di bawah pokok sana
dan kepada jiran jiran saya bertanya..
tatap juga saya hampa
kerana dia tiada..

lalu saya ke kedai pula
dan kepada pekedai saya bertanya
dimana gerangan mak berada
tapi dia tidak dijumpa..

lalu pekedai berkata
"mak kau ada kat kebun seberang jalan agaknya"
tapi xmungkin pula
kerana mak tidak ke sana..

lalu saya patah balik ke pangkin di bawah pokok
dan kepada jiran jiran saya bertanya
lalu jiran jiran berkata
"mak kau ade kat kebun belakang agaknya"
lalu saya terus jalan ke belakang sana..

lalu ke belakang rumah saya menerokai
mata besar dibuka
semoga dengan mak saya berjumpa
namun hati hiba kecewa
kerana mak x kunjung tiba..

lalu saya pergi ke terus mendekati hutan
menjauhi jiran jiran
dekat dengan pokok rambutan
dan AHAH!! itu dia mak saya dicelah celah tumbuh tumbuhan..

ke situ saya bergegas
melihat mak dikerumun dek nyamuk dan agas
saya tgk mak mula berlengas
kata mak, dia sedang menanam nanas..

lalu saya berasa gembira
mak yang hilang sudah dijumpa
namun kegembiraan itu tidak lama
sebab saya kena mencangkul akhirnya.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


and here i am hoping for another show or competition or anything..

anything at all..
i really miss dancing..
and not just the feel of it, or the movements..
i miss the environment, the mirror, the songs, the other dancers..

for the last month,
i've been eating, watching countless movies,
sleeping, reading, cooking,
watch anything and everything on youtube,
writing on my blog that no one read,
watching all those clips of our performances..
and i realize,, over the past two years
i now, cant count how many times and how many songs i have done,,

its not like i'm cocky or great dancer or anything like that,
no, not at all..its just that..
i cant no longer count the experience, the nervousness
of performing, the euphoria of it..
which means= it is no longer only one time kind of thing..
it has became me and i, it.
and after the uni over, i dont even know what am i gonna do..
what choises do i have..

but for now..i'll just carry on with this endless cycle
eating n watching and cooking and sleeping over and over again..
i dont suppose i'll continue to dance, officially i mean
after graduation..
so, i think, i'm gonna enjoy my (maybe) final yr of uni
to the fullest and cherish it after it all end..:(

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

18 and above only :)

i'd love to see the hit counter by the end of the day..haha
its not like i have readers or anything...=_=

i'm not going to post any sexual related videos, or link, or sound clips..
no no no no.....not this time anyway o_0;

i was just idling around the house, looking at my brother watching the tv
when i suddenly wonder..what makes people rates the movies and dramas?
from the content i guess, and there are a lots of categories too.

there's G for (general) atau bahasa melayunya U (umum) yg semua org boleh tgk,
then in malaysia they skip from U terus kepada 18PA, SG, SX, n etc..
yg berunsur ganas, seram, sex, politik atau/dan agama yg tidak keterlaluan
for international level they have PG13 (parental guardian) kena diawasi oleh org dewasa,
NC 17(no childeren under 17) and R(rated, untuk org dewasa sahaja)
this is just from what i observed, and it differs from a country to another.
i'm not really sure about all this, so please correct me if i'm wrong.

salt: a PG rated movie for its bits of violence

mr. magorium's wonder emporium: rated as G, suitable for children

now, according to wiki,
age of 18 dipanggil sebagai age of majority..
ini bermakna, anda sudah tidak terikat lagi di bawah jagaan ibu bapa
dan boleh menbuat keputusan sendiri.
xpaham lagi?
kau dah boleh kawen la senang cite.

maybe for some people 18 is nothing..
being 18 maybe just means that
'i 've stop growing'
'wow, i'm a big girl now'

but it is important to know,
being 18 means, if you are arrested,
it will no longer classified under the kes juvana.
you're fully an adult, that can buy cigrattes, go to 18 rated movies,
berkahwin dgn kehendak sendiri, menandatangani kontrak,
meminum arak, dan memandu kenderaan..
(ini adalah hukum yg dibuat manusia, jgn pula kita lupa hukum yg ditetapkan oleh ALLAH)

hantu kak limah balik rumah: tontonan U

anda sendiri la rate yg nih..haha

berumur 18 thun ini
distereotypekan seperti seseorg itu sudah pon
mempunyai pertimbangan yg matang.
yg sudah tahu membezakan sesuatu yg baik dan yg buruk,
yg benar dan yg palsu, dan tahu bertindak sendiri.

sungguhpun, bukan semua org mampu berbuat demikian tatkala mencapai 18,
aku kira, yg umur ini dikira sebagai label yg membezakan anda sebagai org dewasa
dgn kanak2 dari segi fizikal.

so, enough about what i think heres a few facts about age of majority:

1) By age 18, the human brain stops growing. As a matter of fact, the human brain after age 18 begins to lose more than 1,000 brain cells each day. Do not fear: since the fully developed brain has over 100 billion cells, at the rate of losing 1,000 cells each day, it will take 300,000 years before your brain is out of cells.

2) At age of 18, you can buy cigrattes in new zealand; it is increased from 16 in 1997

3) William Shakespeare berkahwin dgn seorang wanita bernama Anne Hathaway yg berusia 26 tahun ketika dia berumur 18 thun.

4) Manusia berdedah kepada matahari 50% ke 80% dari pendedahan kepada matahari seumur hidup mereka sebelum usia 18 thun.

p/s; BM n BI dah bercampur gaul menjadi pecal..sorry..huhu

childhood memories

childhood memories are really precious, i'm telling you.

why? because, it is something only we ourselves can remember, n reminescent about it

remembering how it feels, how fun it was, or how sad, or how frightening...

it is not the same when your parents tells you, 'when you were 6, you used to fall down that tree and stayed at the hospital for 5 days'

thats just going to leave you baffled and go 'uh, okay..' because you cant remember..

my own childhood memories that i can remember start as early as i was 3. ....what? you dont believe it?..haha

i remember being so angry and sad because my grandmother left me to go on holiday somewhere

there i was, carried by my father, crying and wailing while the bus that fetch my grandmother just drives away,

maybe because i was so sad, so so sad, it's permanently carved to my memory..

earliest memory i'd say..

lucky me, i never ever had any experience of moving to a new neighbourhood,

adjusting to a new environment etc.

i've always live here, here where i grow up to be a 21 years old girl/woman whose typing in her room in her house in this village.

here, where at the left side of my home there were a mine that was used to be operated.

there, me n my cousins and friends played kites every evening, got chased by the orang Asli's dog

(lucky i was with my father riding a motorcycle) while getting there.:)

there was this one evening, where it's suddenly rain, so we have to wait in the underground pipe room at the mine

for my father to come and fetch us all..

but we ended up wet anyway, so we just continue to play under the rain around the house when we got back home.

then, at the right side of my house, there was a small river..

(now its so so small, but deep because of the construction of the new road in front of my house)

my father used to catch some fish with net while me and my brother were kicking, and splashing the water beside him in the river,

(i cant remember if he managed to catch any with us playing excitedly and frightened all the fishes)

we did moved twice, from a rented house to the one opposite it.(they were my grandmother's)

then we build a new house, right next to the previous one, and make it our permanent home.

i practically live on this ground, right now all of my life,

and this is where i've been living for the past 7 years now and still counting.

now looking back, i realised how much i missed the time when i was young,

do not have the care in the world about anything except for having fun

and i wonder 'its a pity, my brothers dont have sweet sweet memories like i did '

they've never been chased by a mother hen, or dog, or a deaf man...(dont ask)

never been fishing together by the river.

never ever take a bath from the well that my father dug at the back of our house., i think i'm wrong.

they're creating their own memories now. and one day, 10 years from now,

maybe they'll wonder how they used to play badminton, n play games from their sister's laptop

fell while riding the motorcycle just because a bird flap its wing to one of my brother's face (yup, dont ask too),

and singing all those english songs together with their friends.

(at my time, dangdut n classic rock were THE songs) :D

like how i did just now.

and my children in the future also have different memories from mine

just like mine was different from my parents.

i think everyone's childhood memories are different, just like how mine are not the same with the others

but they are all the same in one way. they are Irreplacable.

p/s: loads of grammar mistakes, n i dont care.:)

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


i am a left handed person.
in my entire family, only me and my brother are left handed.
and when i said entire family, that include both grandparents, 12 uncles n aunts from both sides of the family, and 46 other cousins.
and my good friend in school also is a left handed,
and my good friend in matriks
and in uni.(they are all different persons of course)
i know what are u gonna say..
"what, does all the left handed people have magnet towards each other now?"
*cue eyerolls*


so, we all know about that theory of which part of the brain is active for right handed or left handed yada yada yada.
but here i am not talking about that, i want to talk about the effect of being left handed in living my life..hooo~cam dramatik je kan?*angkat2 kening*

nothing change...much...actually.
i have to look at the other side of the scissor when i cut papers.

my middle finger of the left hand have this tiny bump: effect of writing n pressing too much with the wooden pencil

i cant knit, like my mother because she cant teach me how to do it in reverse (since she's right handed)........or maybe i just not interested in knitting, i dont know.:)

its weird to hold a guitar because my hand would be itching to reverse the position so i would be comfortable strumming..(not that i good in guitar actually)

ohhh, there is this one thing i cant stand.

my mother used to tell me to cook with my right hand ie; to cut using knife with the right hand, to hold the spatula and flip the food with right hand...

and i'm back and cook with my left hand as soon as my mother's not looking
then one day, there's this kenduri held at my house,
and all the elders of the village came, and I sit, and talk, and cut vegetables with them
and they said, it is better for the left handed to cut with left hand. because the right hand is the one that will hold the vege. :)))))

see? there's still hope for us, left handed girls trying to cook..:')
and one more thing..
the left handed will NOT, i repeat will NOT die faster then the right handed
(i just knew it myself)
they make a mistake while doing the surveys, and take the statement back, but you know, people will remember the heartbreaking fact rather than its withdrawal..
so thats what i want to tell you guys, and there are a few fun fact here. and you can read more by clicking here and here..happy reading:)

do you know that:
1)Left-handers excel particularly in tennis, baseball, swimming and fencing
2)The number of words in English that are typed solely with the left hand is in the neighborhood of 3400. Around 450 words are typed solely with the right hand.
3)In the 1992 U.S. Presidential election, all three major candidates were left-handed. According to most resources, there have been six left-handed presidents: James Garfield, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton.
4)Stuttering and dyslexia occur more often in left-handers (particularly if they are forced to change their writing hand as a child, like King of England George VI).

okay fine, maybe not always, but im not always :)

how did you manage to do that woman??o_0

this is the left handed barber scissors, but works the same........right?

p/s:what up with the colours and font of the funfact man?i dont even know..=_=;;

Isnin, 9 Mei 2011

emo sebentar

even after all these years.....

why is it, i alwaysalwaysalwaysalways fall for the wrong guys damnit!!

after so long, after letting all those puppy whatsoeverlove go..
i only found out now how cruel can man, no, boy be.

whatever dude *rolls eyes*
you can go and be free.
i'm going to stuck here, and be loyal to myself and to your girlfriend.

my god, how relief i am for never loving you.

i could never stand the pain of it if i ever..

now i'ma brush this off my shoulder and never look back.
(i really kinda wish for this to be true..)

Ahad, 24 April 2011


aduh, sakit kepala ku~

yup, aku nak bercerita mengenai kesakitan di kepala.
bukan the typical headache yg korang dapat bile gaduh ngan pakwe tuh,
no, bukan yg tuh,
yang aku maksudkan ialah MIGRAINE...

uhh, aku taip ni pon, tetibe gigil sebentar..
because i'm having one right now.
tahu migraine tuh ape?
dan macam mane nak bezakan migraine dengan pening dan sakit kepala?

anda sedang menghadapi migraine jika:
1)terasa kepala berdenyut2.rase macam ade org sedang tumbuk2, disebelah, atau kedua2 belah kepala.
2)sensitif terhadap bunyi dan cahaya.kena terang sikit, kepala sakit, bunyi kuat sikit, sakit kepala.
3)Pandangan kabur, rase mcm rabun je time tu.
4)Hilang selera makan, rase nak muntah, perut rase xsedap, dll.
5)terasa badan sekejap panas dan sekejap sejuk,,fuh..
bukan yg tegak bulu roma ye, yg tu dah simptom laen dah tu. o_0;

(i should know those things well sebab at least 5 dari simptom tersebut akan terjadi bile aku migraine:(...)
Migraine bertahan selama beberapa jam hingga ke beberapa hari. Depends kepada tahap keterukkan migraine tersebut.

Disebabkan aku telah membuat kesilapan yg besar beberapa hari dahulu,
dengan tidur tanpa menutup lampu,
aku terpaksa hidup bersama migraine selama sehari,
2 hari sebelum final paper Gene Expression...TT.TT
please, kalau anda ada migraine, please dont try this at your room..

Kerana aku xsuke, no, kerana aku btol2 bencibencibenci ubat,
Aku percaya, there are natural ways of curing or at least reducing migraine
lalu, google menggoogle, jumpa la link ini.

Die kata yg pertama, kerana migraine itu terjadi akibat toxic didalam badan,
kite perlu lah mengamalkan pemakanan yg betul, iaitu

*bunyi cengkerik*



yang ni?


*geleng2*not applicable.

yg kedua, katenye kite kena "lie down n rest with your eyes closed"
katelah aku jalan, tetibe rase migraine..lalu..


Ohohohohoho~*ok, aku tahu yg ni sebenarnye die maksudkan ape, saje je amik gambar nih,*

yg ketiga, katenye, kite kena betul2 fokus terhadap kesakitan tersebut kerana badan kite xkan bagi kite kesakitan yg kite x tahan....pulak nye gitu? habes tuh, kalau kite sakit perut, tibe2 badan xbagi sakit, disebabkan tuan empunye diri xtahan? atau kaki tersepit, badan pon xbagi sakit sebab nanti tuan badan xtahan..gitu kah?


lalu, aku pegi google yg laen pulak, n jumpa link yg ini.

Aku suke link yg ni, obviously antara yg die listkan,aku memang buat, n memang berhasil..
antara lainnye ialah:


Yg ni memang berkesan, bile kite mandi, kesakitan akan menyurut.

2)Baring di dalam bilik yg gelap.

Yg ni pon, sememang nya tepat. Bile aku migraine, perkara pertama yg aku buat ialah tutup lampu bilik dan biarkan bergelap, kalau takut, bukak lampu meja.Kerana, punca utama migraine adalah dari cahaya yg terang dan bunyi yg kuat. Kalau ade bisng2 tuh, kalau boleh, elakkan dulu..

3)Cube mengurut kepala, lehar, dan muka,lebih2 lagi, antara dua kening dan pelipis.

Kite akan dapat rase dimana denyutan dari kepala tu datang. Lurut perlahan2, dan tekan sederhana kuat, jgn kuat sangat, sebab nanti akan jadi lebih sakit.

4)Elakkan dari punca tekanan.
Kalau tertekan sebab pakwe, tutup henset tu dulu,
Kalau tekanan sebab exam, postpone exam tuh dulu.....hehehe
*berangan je aku nak postpone exam*

5)Yg ni aku tambah sendiri, kalau rase migraine, tidur la dulu, dalam keadaan sunyi dan gelap, tutup langsir, tutup lampu, kurang bunyi n betul2 tido diatas katil bersama bantal. 20 minit pon jadilah.

Sebab kenapa aku buat entri nih?sebab aku dah rase migraine teruk, dan xmahu terima hakikat yg aku migraine, lalu aku push diri untuk study..alih2 sepatah haram aku xpaham..lama2, lagi stress, lagi sakit, lagi xboleh study..sile jgn tiru mcm saya~

p/s:patutnye saya study Database sekarang yeh.:D

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

love is in the air


oh, aku xtahu kenape...
sem 4 ni, adalah sem yg pling..
lovey dovey untuk org disekeliling aku..huhu
apsal? cupid keje over time ke sem nie..
hahahaha (aku xpercaya pada cupid pon..hoho)

WOAH~ apsal pulak ade singa plak tibe2, ye x?haha

cinta xmengenal spesis nih,,haha

kawan2 di sekeliling aku,
xkire la yg kat fak ke,
kolej ke,
yg kat kelab ke,
yg di kampung,
rata2..semua sedang bahagia..
hahaha, tahniah lah untuk korang,,
moga2 korang bahagia selalu, aku doakan moga jodoh korang berkekalan :D



i dont think the time is right for me
no,I not closing my heart or anything,
i just hope that,
wherever he is, i hope he is alright,
i hope we can meet one day..:)

kata org, kite ni dijadikan berpasangan di dunia ni..
kalau betol ada seseorang untuk aku didunia ni, aku harap, jodoh tu akan kekal.
because i dont love just because i want to feel what is love.
i love because love is what that person means to me...confuse?

but for now,
to think that I could bring a smile to a person when he's remembering me
to think that I could live up a person's mood when he remembers my encouraging words
to think I can make him happy just by saying a single sentence,
and make him sad just by a single sentence too
to think that I could make a person willing to adjust his life, to spend huge space of it, to fit me inside..

i dont think there is such person right now.
not now..

i'm still young, there is so much to see,
so much to feel, n learn, n experience,
so many possibilities i can achive.
I have my family that I not done spenting my time with.
I have friends that I'm not done having fun with.
I have places that I never experience yet.
I have yet to have a job, and spend my Own money n Own choices of items that I want to buy.

Because I believe, the only one I will love is the One I want to spend my life with,
Because I believe in sharing everything that I am with the One I'm in love with,
Because I also believe, adjustments of both party, should be made when the time comes
and Because I believe, I'm NOT ready yet, for everything that I believe in above..

I prefer to let love comes, whenever it want to come.
I dont want to wait, I most definitely dont want to chase,
I'm going to let it be..:)

Jadi, apa yang anda percaya tentang cinta? :D

p/s; i'm not writing this to anyone particular,i just want to get it off my chest :D
p/s 2: semua gambar couple di Google adalah sangat provocative, jdi kena tukar dgn animal je la..haha
p/s 3: blues sebentar sebab hari tgh hujan..haha :D

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Brave Couple

sebenarnye, dah lame dah exam nih.. tinggal 2 paper je lagi..

adeeyhh,, dlm penat habes paper semalam,
tiberr jah nak tgk siape newest couple dalam rancangan We Got Married
haha, lepas Jokwon n Ga In ,the Adam couple tamat perkahwinan,
aku cam kurang follow sket WGM ni. Almaklum la, favourite couple dah xde, ngan Yongseo couple, aku cam suam2 kuku je, dah xde benda nak tgk baru bukak dorg punye. Khuntoria xpayah cite, aku memang xsuke,..huhu..ha yg cambest aku jumpe semalam ialah:

boleh click pada link tu kalau nak tgk ep 2 dorang..sweet~~

I think they were called the Brave Couple sebab diorang xmalu untuk bercakap benar,, bese la org veteran dalam dunia hiburan, xpayah dah nak mengcover2 bagai sebab nak naik..huhu
Dorang dah lame berkawan.18 years, n 2 years gap being the groom 38 n the bride 40 years old
and tetibe kena kahwin..interesting to see..sebab Wun Joon(the groom) nampak mcm dah lame ade hati ngan the bride, So Hyun n tetibe dapat peluang..
ade determination nak kawin betul2..haha
n their possibility of getting married for real is rather high seeing that their ages are ripe for a marriage and their chemistry....oh, i am this close of adoring them the same level as the Adam couple..well, gudluck you newly wed!!~you suit each other~:D

p/s;off to study.

food lover

i just looove food..

i mean who doesnt?

so today i want to recommand a few food blogs that i follow.
not a few actually, only a couple of blogs which i follow dearly,
but never have the courage to comment or anything.

these two people has been awarded as the top 50 food blog in the world.
very artistic in decorating food and very creative in adding or subtituting ingredients to make it different, better, and more delicious..

the first one would be this one :

the writer is a woman name Ashley E. Rodriguez who lives in Seattle with her husband and 3 children. What I love the most about her is because of her passion; for her family, for her life and her food. I especially love this post of She makes beautiful dishes mainly desserts (from what i have browsed) and enjoy it with her family..
This are a few of her dishes.

yummy isnt it....

its like its going to melt in your mouth...

simple pasta...

umm, no this is not food, this is her second child..

the first child..

the blog writer and her husband..her husband is a photographer by the way,,

Now onto the next one, i found his channel at the Youtube and immediately fall in love with his witty remarks, his love for food, and the nice voice as bonus :D
His name is Chef John and he has experienced in cooking for about 3o years..
Here's some example:

I can see that he know many Italian food

Oh and the last one, who doesnt know Martha Steward?
I just started to visit her page, I love how meticulous she is in serving the dishes.
Just look this:

That is for today, and if you are wondering why the hell Iylia Binti Zulkifli typing in English, well thats because I WANT TO :DDDDD

no p/s this time.Suprising?

Ahad, 17 April 2011

stress sia sia

yup, sia sia...menghabiskan masa n tenage jari untuk menaip..

sebab aku baru sahaja menulis satu entri panjang untuk seseorg tpi aku choose not to post.
sebab aku x semenggelabah orang laen.
harus lah kan,,
kang fb aku plak yg famous..:))

*pat ma own soulder

Now, how about we just move on n study for our exam?:)))

ps:mind you, if there any harsh comment here, imma delete them all pretend that nothing ever not a nice person*ade aku kesah?*..and i DO BITE.:D

Jumaat, 15 April 2011

dont jugde people, people :)

ohoo, saya belajar sesuatu yg menarik hari ni...
see these pictures peeps~
what are their similarities??

hmm, lemme guess..
gaya, mutu , keunggulan?

nah~ thats all maybe true but not the one i want to share..

they are all MAN..

yup.. mereka adalah lelaki,
yang dilahirkan bersama fizikal yang menyerupai wanita
(bukan yg plastic punye yer)

they are called Androgenous
menurut wiki, mereka adalah orang2 yg genderless
dalam kata lain, sekali pandang kita akan pandang kali kedua

"ini, ujang ko, daro?"


"oh snap, is this a girl or a boy?"


"iki, lanang ke wedok?"

atau dalam bahase melayu asli nye

"ni laki ke pompuan nih?"

dan maybe kerana diorang ni semuanye model yg serba boleh,
mereke senang nak pakai ape yg mereka suke,
nak baju pompuan?
nak lelaki?
lagi lah okey~
(save budget pihak sponsor pon iye jugek, xyah susah2 cari model pompuan n laki)

this is their male look

yg ni xde gambar pakai bju female, but as you can see his looks,
mak die ngidam baby girl dulu agaknye...

adeyhh,, korang self cencoredsendiri yeh...

all the pictures i get from here.

p/s:samada mereka gay ke x, itu sile tanye mereka sendiri,
saya hanya nak memperkenalkan the term androgenous sahaja..^^V

Khamis, 14 April 2011

tiada syarat:)

to give out with no expectation of to receive.

to love with a whole heart
to click the camera and capture their sweet moments together
to help when they need, to just be there when there is nothing you can do
to stand with a smile for them to be happy, to reach over and hold when they hurt
to wave goodbye as they move on
and to stay if they comes back....

i want to be that.

for whoever unconditionally do this, they will receive no less.:)